Large Format: Studio Portrait

Large Format: Studio Portrait image

Larger negatives yield stunning prints with intricate details, surpassing the capabilities of 35mm format. Throughout this course, participants will get plenty of hands-on experience working with a 4x5 camera, loading film into 4x5 film holders, processing 4x5 sheet film, and producing contact prints in our community darkroom. Create beautiful portraits in the FCAC lighting studio while utilizing basic camera functions covered in the class, including tilts and swings, which help control perspective and focus. Register for this class and explore the captivating world of large-format portrait photography.

Prior darkroom experience is helpful. Please bring your own large-format camera or use one of ours. The fee includes $50 for film, paper, and darkroom access for the class duration.

Call 585-271-5920 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

February 20th - March 19th, 2024
Members: $375, Nonmembers: $395

Session 1: Tuesdays February 20 - March 19 with Donald Hyatt

1 Tue Feb 20 6-9PM Lighting Studio
2 Tue Feb 27 6-9PM Lighting Studio
3 Tue Mar 05 6-9PM Lighting Studio
4 Tue Mar 12 6-9PM Lighting Studio
5 Tue Mar 19 6-9PM Lighting Studio