Bold Diagramming

Bold Diagramming image
Diagrams represent ideas in visual form. They are two-dimensional (although they can show three-dimensional objects) and may contain shapes, lines, and even text. Architectural diagrams are usually conceptual (showing relationships between items) or schematic (simplified, abstracted pictures.) In this class, architect Richard S. Napoli will meet students outdoors and demonstrate how to create a Bold Diagram, or “big idea sketch” to capture the essence of a selected scenic view. Using only a Lyra Pencil (2B, 4B, or 6B) or soft crayon students will learn to quickly and creatively render on newsprint. Comfortable chair, sun hat recommended. A materials list will be provided before the first class session.

Call 585-244-1730 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

July 12th - July 26th, 2022
Members: $80, Nonmembers: $100

Session 1: Tuesdays, July 12, 19, 26 with Richard Napoli

1 Tue Jul 12 6-8PM Field Trip
2 Tue Jul 19 6-8PM Field Trip
3 Tue Jul 26 6-8PM Field Trip