Intro to Watercolor Painting

Intro to Watercolor Painting image

Beginner watercolor art classes are the perfect way to explore and express your inner artist. If you have never painted before or are looking for a refresher course, this class is for you!

This 6-week course will teach you various techniques, including paintbrush usage, color mixing, color application, masking, and more. Learn how to choose subject matter and find your unique painting style. This class is a warm, non-judgmental, and encouraging approach to painting with transparent colors.

Josi's students learn quickly as they celebrate their weekly creative progress.

A suggested materials list will be provided before the first class.

Note: This class takes place in the MORNING, 9am - NOON.

Call 585-244-1730 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

April 11th - May 16th, 2025
Members: $260, Nonmembers: $280

Session 1: Fridays, April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16 with Josi Etter

Online Registration - 2 spots left
1 Fri Apr 11 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
2 Fri Apr 18 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
3 Fri Apr 25 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
4 Fri May 02 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
5 Fri May 09 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
6 Fri May 16 9-12PM Printmaking Studio
Register for this Class