Letter Press Poster Design

Letter Press Poster Design image
In this 4 week course we will explore graphic design and typographic layouts for letterpress poster design. Explore the metal and wood type collection at the Flower City Art Center and learn how to create stunning well designed posters using the center’s Vandercook proof presses. Throughout the course we will cover the basics of good graphic design and typography and how they relate to the layout and typesetting of movable type and other printable objects. We will explore color and texture in letterpress design and printing and how it affects the message within the poster.

Call 585-244-1730 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

January 13th - February 3rd, 2021
Members: $150, Nonmembers: $175

Session 1: Wednesdays, January 13 - February 3 with Tony Zanni

1 Wed Jan 13 6-8:30PM Letterpress Studio
2 Wed Jan 20 6-8:30PM Letterpress Studio
3 Wed Jan 27 6-8:30PM Letterpress Studio
4 Wed Feb 03 6-8:30PM Letterpress Studio