Paper-Maché Your Trash!

Paper-Maché Your Trash! image
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of waste that comes from your daily routines? In this 4-week class, you’ll transform your trash (no organic matter or food waste) into sculptural objects using paper-maché and surface decoration. Students will bring items from home (e.g. single-use plastics, cleaned food wrappers, or other packaging materials). All other materials provided. Included: $10 materials fee.

Call 585-244-1730 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

July 11th - August 1st, 2024
Members: $120, Nonmembers: $140

Session 1: Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25, August 1 with Julia J. Wolfe

1 Thu Jul 11 4-6PM Papermaking Studio
2 Thu Jul 18 4-6PM Papermaking Studio
3 Thu Jul 25 4-6PM Papermaking Studio
4 Thu Aug 01 4-6PM Papermaking Studio