Salt Printing

Salt Printing image
Introduced in 1839 by Henry Fox Talbot, salt printing is one of the earliest photographic processes and continues to be a viable option for artists interested in working with historic techniques. Participants will learn how to hand-coat plain paper to make a light sensitive printing out paper. This will then be used to make photograms using objects, as well as positive images by contact printing with negatives (silver gelatin, digital or glass). We will be working in a darkroom with chemicals so please wear old clothing and an apron that you don’t mind staining. Included: $20 for materials.

Call 585-271-5920 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

February 11th - February 11th, 2017
Members: $125, Nonmembers: $145

Session 1: February 11 with Jenn Libby

1 Sat Feb 11 10-5PM Silver Den