Wednesday Workshop: Letterpress Modular Blox

Wednesday Workshop: Letterpress Modular Blox image

The P22 Blox system presents 8 basic shapes from which any letterforms can be built in a variety of ways. The P22 Blox are 72 points (1 inch) square and through selective combinations can create letters, words, patterns, and borders.

This workshop will introduce the participants to the Blox printing system starting with a brief background on how and why they were developed. A group project will be followed by individual exploration with building modular print lock-ups.

This class is taught by Richard Kegler who developed and markets the P22 Blox system through his studio shop Dry Inc. Included: $10 materials fee.

Call 585-244-1730 or use the form below to register. Learn about membership.

August 21st - August 21st, 2024
Members: $55, Nonmembers: $75

Session 1: Wednesday, August 21st with Richard Kegler

1 Wed Aug 21 6-9PM Book Arts Studio