From the daguerreotype of the 1850’s, to Kodak’s snapshot craze a hundred years later, to the countless photos currently stored in your iCloud—the history of family photographs is almost as long and varied as the history of photography itself. Unlike any other medium before it, photography allows us to capture the exact likeness of our loved ones. The act of taking photographs is both an affirmation and denial of death’s inevitability.
Family Photographs is a selection of images curated by juror Sara Macel exploring the ideas of family, memory, intimacy, and domesticity through the use of contemporary and archival photography.
Best in Show award ($500) will be announced on November 9th at the opening reception.
About the Juror
Sara Macel (b.1981, Houston TX) is
an artist and freelance photographer. Sara currently teaches photography
at SUNY Rockland and CUNY Kingsborough. She was an artist-in-residence
at The Wassaic Project in upstate New York and Light Work in Syracuse,
New York.
Participating Artists
Rebecca Arthur (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Bridget Badore (Brooklyn, New York)
Sandy Carson (Austin, Texas)
Chelsea Darter (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Alison Erazmus (St. Louis, Missouri)
Anna Grevenitis (Brooklyn, New York)
Emma Hopson (Savannah, Georgia)
Yashna Kaul (Brooklyn, New York)
Breanna Lamb (Las Cruces, New Mexico)
Skyler Maggiore (Brooklyn, New York)
Nick Marshall (Rochester, New York)
Vicki Reed (Cedarburg, Wisconsin)
Renee Romero (San Diego, California)
Enrique Rosas (Corona, New York)
Kaitlyn Smith (Tucson, Arizona)
Jerry Takigawa (Monterey, California)
Stephanie Thulin (Richmond, Virginia)
Aaron Wax (Brooklyn, New York)
The 2018 Photography & Digital Arts Exhibition Series is sponsored in part by: