Sample and vote for the best chilis in the city of Rochester, sponsored by some of your favorite restaurants and receive a beautiful handmade chili bowl from our Genesee Pottery. A sampling of beers and non-alcoholic drinks from Rohrbach's will be provided and should help bring down the heat! This is one of 3 Annual fundraisers to benefit all Genesee Center programs - and this is not to be missed! Cast your vote for your favorite chili and support the only community based visual arts center in Rochester.
Tickets are $30 per person, $40 day of event. Under 18 $15/per ticket. A family of four is $75.(Admission price includes a handmade chili bowl, all the chili you can eat, all the beverages you can drink and a portion is tax deductible as allowed by law)
Please call 585-244-1730 or email to reserve your tickets.
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