Les Rencontres d’Arles is the oldest and most prestigious of all photo festivals, copied by many (Houston TX, Montreal, Brighton (UK), Greece, China, Japan, Russia…) never equaled. The festival is in its 47th edition and our speaker, Bruno Chalifour, will celebrate this year his 25th attendance there as an art critic writing for numerous magazines, as well as a workshop teacher and portfolio reviewer for the festival itself. For the past 15 years the festival has proposed between 40 and 60 exhibitions every summer, a symposium, numerous presentations by photographers, curators, private collectors, and various institutions linked to the medium. Two of the numerous themes this year are street photography and contemporary African photography. Moreover 15 photographers will compete for 25,000€ Discovery award sponsored by the LUMA foundation. The foundation hired the famous architect Frank Gehry to design and build a home for its collection and art events right in the middle of where the festival happens. Even the French National School of Photography there is one of the many consequences of the festival for the antique city of Arles.
After a quick survey of the history of the festival, Bruno will present this year’s highlights of the festival illustrated my numerous photographs.
Event is FREE and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.