
Exhibition Dates: May 6th - May 29th, 2011 in None

Reception: Friday May 6th, 5 p.m. - in None

"Tools have always played an important role in my life and spawn limitless fascination. As a child, my father encouraged me to explore different tools in his workshop and taught me how to use them. Consequently, I became the next generation to learn the skills of a craftsman and add lineage to the tools history. The histories of various tools are evident through the wear patterns that emerged over generations of their use. These tools became extensions of my hands and the heritage they yield. To pay homage to them, I create reliquaries for the tools to elevate them as historically significant objects.

In ancient times, a reliquary contained the bones of a holy person or objects held dear to the person who possessed it. My reliquaries enshrine the tools that have become significant relics to me. I hope to convey a sense of endearment and value, thus contradicting and transcending the inherent properties of the tool. This approach provides the viewer a context in which I illustrate my connections to the tools, their history and the reliquaries that encase their memories." -Tybre Newcomer.

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