Wall-to-Wall: 2020 Members Exhibition


Friday March 13th, 2020 6 p.m. - Friday April 10th, 2020 5 p.m.


Flower City Arts Center

The Flower City Arts Center is excited to showcase the artwork of our talented members in our annual member exhibition Wall-to-Wall. Help us celebrate our talented community of makers!

NEW: The Flower City Arts Center's highest priority is relationships among our members and the Rochester community. That’s why, in light of the pronouncements from Albany and Monroe County, we are exercising an abundance of caution and will be canceling the Wall-to-Wall Members Exhibition that had been scheduled to begin March 13, in accordance with the Monroe County Department of Health’s recommendation to practice social distancing in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus.

Our leadership will re-evaluate weekly based on recommendations from the Monroe County Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We encourage everyone to take the prescribed precautions for general wellness by covering coughs and sneezes, frequently washing hands, and staying home if you feel unwell.

Thank you and we hope to see you soon! In the meantime, we are presenting features and details from "Wall-to-Wall" on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages daily throughout the length of the exhibition.

Participating members include: Emilia Aquino (@era__made), Leslie Arduser-Brogan, Virginia Bacheler, Geoffrey Barber, Hannah Barber, Bill Bates, Amy Bradoc, Victoria Brzustowicz (victoriabcreative.com), Michelle Burack, Virginia Cassetta, Chris Charles (moonrabbitpress.com), Elaine Cohen, Pat Curry, Jenny Adler, Elissa D’Alessandro, Zara Davis, Glenn Enderby, Andrew Foster (andrewfosterceramics.com), John Funt, Shannon Gage, Harriet Heller, Kate Hochbruekner (kateehoch.com), Romy Hosford, Susan Huedepohl, Bonk Johnston, Kelly Justice, Karlene Kantner, Mehgann Keil, Boris Keller, Cheri King, Kyle Lascelle, Nkenge R. Lewis, Donna Manier, Allison Merkle, Jeremy Moule, Kylie Newcomer, Tanya Nikoloc, Rashaad Parker, Jen Pereña (kallitypegirl.com), Nancy Poitras, Marianne Pojman, Liz Raymonda, Aaron Rovet, William Sapienza (sapienzadesign.com), Barbara Savedoff, Nancy Schiller, Audrey Shaughnessy, Karen Smith, Sue Toomey, Maliya Travers-Crumb (mtcillustration.com), Sharon Turner, Myang Urso, Linda Van Artsdalen, Stephanie Warchol, Mark Watts, Aster Whorton, Kate Whorton, Laura Wilder (laurawilder.com)